Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Super Saturday Crafts!

Below are some pictures of the fun crafts we're doing this year but keep in mind we will still have some quilts available if you would just like to come visit and quilt at the same time.
There will also be soup potluck and desserts so come even if just to enjoy some good eats and friendly chatter!

DishTowel Aprons $8.00

12 x 12 FHE Boards $17.00  This includes 6 names additional names are .50 each.  When you sign up you will need to write down the names you want on your boards.

 Muffin Pan Christmas Countdown    $5.00  The paper may be different than the sample.  You supply your own muffin pan.

 Count down to Christmas Blocks    $9.00  Paper may be different than sample. The font for the blocks will be the same as the second block pictured but all the letters will be black.

Beaded necklace   $8.00  Matching earrings  $5.00 (beads might be different)

Beaded Baby bracelet   $5.00 (beads might be different)

 Beaded Real Stone Bracelet  $9.00   (beads might be different)

Beaded Bracelet  $2.50 (beads might be different)

Gold Leaf Pictures (An example of what these look like after gold leafing is applied is on display at the church in the North Foyer) Pricing is as follows:
Picture transparency & Mat $11.00
Bring your own transparency $9.00
Add $5.50 to add in a frame

Sign up for these fun projects in the North Foyer. The last day to sign up and to pay is Nov. 8th (the Sunday before Super Saturday).

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas, Enrichment committee. Katie Griffin--awesome blog!!!!
